Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Fork in the Road

For months now my husband has been pushing me to start blogging.  I've been putting it off for several reasons:
  1. With all the things on my to-do list, this was last on my list.  I'd rather spend my time starting a new craft project than write about an old craft project.
  2. I'm a software developer,...well, documentation is just not our specialty.  (Man, those tech writers sure can whip up a well-articulated doc in seconds!  I'm so jealous.)
  3. I didn't know what I would benefit from starting a blog.  With all the blogs out there, would anyone want to read mine?

Well,  I've finally done it.  I've started my blog.

So, what now?  There's so much I want to tell you.  Why I'm starting a blog now...Who I am... What cool projects I've been doing...  This may be all too much for my first blog post ever.  So, I'll have to hold it all in and slowly spoon-feed this information to you.  In this first post, I'll just talk about why I'm starting a blog now.

The reason I am starting a blog now is because there is a fork in my way.  I've been strolling down the path of life, doing the IT thing now for 14 years.  Every Monday through Friday, I sit at a desk and hunt and peck away.  In the evenings and on weekends, I sit at a craft table and sew and glue away.  As of late, I've liked my computer desk less and less and my sewing table more and more.  And here is where the fork comes in.

I am planning on taking a couple of months to just think.  Think, think, think.  I've got some questions that I need answering:
  1. What do I want to be when I grow up?  When I was younger I was just focused on graduating and getting a decent job in a growing industry.  I never asked myself the full question:  "what do you want to be when you grow up that will make you happy?"  But in your 20s, do you REALLY know what is going to make you happy in your 30s and 40s?  I don't think so.
  2. Am I good enough at crafting to turn it into a full-time gig?  There are so many crafty people out there (and that is an awesome thing!).  But, what can I bring to the table that is different from them?
  3. Should I stay in the profession that's fed me for the past 14 years?  IT has been good to me.  I've met lots of wonderful people in this field.  And I can write a mean HELLO WORLD (inside programmer joke).

These are all questions that will take me some time to answer.  Until then, I plan on posting past craft projects that I've done and more about me!

I hope you've enjoyed my first ever blog post!  Comments and suggestions are welcome!