Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Glitter - The Bacon of Crafting

When it comes to food, bacon makes everything taste better.  In the realm of crafting, glitter makes things look better!  When in doubt, cover it in glitter.  It's great for newbie crafters, too, because it will cover up any imperfections.

I love to hang up children's names on their room wall.  I think it is a great way for them to recognize and learn to spell their name.  For my youngest daughter, I wanted to hang her name up in her room.  And I wanted the name to be covered in glitter.  Off to JoAnn Fabrics we go...

JoAnn's sells paper mache letters.  They are brown and boring.  They are just screaming, "Please, oh, please dress me up!"  I couldn't say no.  So, I picked up all the letters of her name.
I also picked up some pink glitter that came in a sprinkle container, glue, and a paintbrush.

When I got home, I laid down a piece of cardboard to try to contain the glitter madness that was about to ensue.  I took one letter and covered it generously in glue.  Then I sprinkled it with the pink glitter.  I repeated these steps for all of the letters.  Once they were all dry (about 30 minutes), I did a once-over and touched up any bald spots.
 Below is the final product.  (Notice the stenciled Hello Kitties that I did on the wall.  That's a post for another day!)

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