Friday, August 23, 2013

T-shirt makeover

Every year the girls are given school t-shirts.  As with most t-shirts, they are usually too big and too 'blah' for my two little divas.  So, every year, I try to pimp them out.  I didn't sketch out a game plan, I just started cutting away.  In retrospect, I think next time I'll surf the web for a design before I start.

1.  Here is the t-shirt before in its original state.  It's cute...but we can do better.

2.  Grab a shirt that currently fits your child.  We will use this as a template so we know how much to cut the shirt.  I just lay the shirt on top and make a guesstimate.

3.  Cut the shirt based on your template.  (We will add shoulder straps and ruffles using the extra material.

4.  Turn the shirt inside out so that the fronts are facing each other.  Sew the sides of the shirt together.

 5.  After the sides are sewn, it should look like this.  This picture just shows you that the sides of the shirt has been stitched.

5.  Use your left over fabric and cut 1-1/2 inch strips.  We will use these to make the ruffles.   You will probably need four strips.  (Two strips for the top of the shirt.  Two strips for the bottom of the shirt.)

6.  Baste stitch down the middle of the fabric strips.   Then gather to make cute little ruffles.

7.  Use the leftover fabric and cut two strips from the sleeves.  We will use this to make shoulder straps.  It will also give us a based to sew the ruffles on.

8.  Sew the shoulder straps onto the shirt.
9.  Sew the ruffles around the top and bottom edges of the shirt.

Here is the finished t-shirt.

Here is a picture of last year's t-shirt makeovers.  The one on the left was converted into a dress.  The one of the right, had two layers of ruffles on the bottom.

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