Saturday, October 26, 2013

$5 Red Suede Studded Clutch Purse

While perusing through the thrift store, I found this bad boy.  It was red. It was suede.  It was awesome.

 I picked up a some gold studs at JoAnns ($3 for a pack of 50 studs.) 

The studs have little metal prongs on the back of them.  So, I just poked the studs through the suede and then pushed the metal prongs in place.  Easy-peasy! 

I opted for a simple row of studs along the top of the purse.

 I wanted to add a few studs down the sides, as well.  I removed the stitches from the inner lining so I could get to the inside on the suede.  Then I add 5 studs to both sides of the purse.

My new rockstar-studded purse.  What do you think?

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